Drisana Davis., M.A., is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. Drisana holds a Masters of Arts in Counseling Psychology, with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Clinical Counseling and Depth Psychology. She also continues to assist professional trainings through the Somatic Experiencing International.

Drisana operates from a holistic perspective and utilizes interventions that include somatic, mindfulness, attachment-based, existential, depth, and person-centered approaches. She is interested in the physical, emotional, behavioral, cognitive, social, and spiritual aspects of wellness. With this in mind, she tailors her therapeutic approaches and techniques to the individual client.

Drisana works with individual adults, children, couples, and families, with an emphasis on relational dynamics and the relationship with Self. She has experience with a wide range of ages, cultures and ethnicities. Her therapeutic practice includes supporting clients with a variety of individual and relational issues, such as anxiety, attachment, codependency, communication skills, chronic-pain/illness, depression, personal development, substance/process addiction-recovery, and trauma.

Drisana is dedicated to compassionately supporting clients in the process of developing lives that feel healthy, meaningful, and fulfilling. As a clinician, she views herself as a “fellow traveler,” walking alongside of clients on their ongoing journey toward wholeness.